Trial eBrief Ready for free during the pandemic

Join 8,000 others who have signed up since the beginning of 2020 to ensure business continuity during these difficult times. Sign up today for free and optimise the electronic briefing process. No credit card required.

How can eBrief Ready help you work from anywhere?

Becoming eBrief Ready means:

The impact of the pandemic on the traditional briefing process

Sharing case-related material

Electronic briefing represents a new way to share material, including documents, images and video footage related to a legal matter, between the solicitor, the barrister, the other parties, and the judge hearing the case.​

New ways of working

Almost overnight, workplaces closed, and solicitors and barristers began working from home, often without easy access to the same level of administrative support or office equipment.

The need for new alternatives

This has encouraged all parties to revisit their dependence on the current highly manual and time-consuming process of sharing, reviewing and referencing material relating to a matter.

Watch our short video to learn more

For a deeper dive into the eBrief Ready platform, click the button below to view a 13 minute tutorial video which includes some further information and instructions on using the product.

Trusted by hundreds of law firms

What do current users say about their experience using the software?

British-based servers with security at the forefront

eBrief Ready users can control who can access what, which gives them more than the modicum of security that they need in their practice.

Your eBriefs are all hosted on UK-based servers, boasting enterprise-grade security and encryption. It is infinitely more secure than email, which means you can relax that your documents will always be safe, confidential, and secure.

As an additional security measure, we have enabled Two Factor Authentication (2FA) for all users of the platform. Quite simply, 2FA allows us to verify that the person trying to gain access to the account is who they say they are. It's an optional layer of security to give you further peace of mind.

Free during the pandemic

No credit card required

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