EvolveGo integration

Integrate with EvolveGo – the legal practice management solution suitable for law firms looking for an end-to-end system.

EvolveGo integration

Integrate with EvolveGo – the legal practice management solution suitable for law firms looking for an end-to-end system.

Bringing matter management, document automation and legal accounts together in one place, EvolveGo equips legal professionals with all the tools to run a successful law firm.

With this integration in place, solicitors will be able to manage all of their matters within EvolveGo – with the added benefit of being able to review and annotate documents and prepare briefs whilst working in eBrief Ready.

The per annum cost of integration is £150 for 2 users, £200 for 3 users or £250 for 4 or more users (all including VAT). Please note, you must have a ‘Law Firm’ or ‘Law Firm Plus’ subscription to access the integration.

Click below to start the EvolveGo integration process.

Watch this short video to learn more about EvolveGo:

More on eBrief Ready

eBrief Ready is a purpose-built secure platform for Australian legal professionals. The technology ensures users have only one ‘source of truth’ to manage.

eBrief Ready allows its users to annotate directly on documents, bundle and organise documents automatically, and search for information instantly — on any device, in any location.

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